Friday Five: Randomness Returns

RevKarla, over at the RevGals offers this Random Friday Five:
1. If you could sneak away anywhere this weekend, right now, all expenses paid,
where would you go and what would you do? If I could go anyplace in the world for the weekend? I've always wanted to go to Paris, but a weekend trip wouldn't be long enough. I'd settle for a quiet place in the country - high up in the mountains or near a body of water. A place where I could walk, sleep with windows open and feel the cool fresh air blow over me, have someone else make all the meals, drink delicious tea with cookies, and have a great glass of wine. I'd read, and sit. Oh, and having yoga classes provided, would nice too. 

2. What is for lunch today? (one of the very first FF I ever played asked this.) I'm not sure, but I do know lunch will be with Martha Spong, who I knew first as Songbird when she helped me launch this blog in 2006. Martha is in town for the RevGals ReGroup program called Administry - finding ways to be spiritual while be an ordained woman in the church. (It's harder than one would think).
3. Along that first-FF-I-ever-played theme, what are you wearing today? (Seriously Karla, you remember your first FF?....) I don't know what I'll be wearing today - comfy clothes that will enable me to be present for the ReGroup.....
4. Along the Today Theme, what are you doing today? First, having coffee. Then a little yoga. Then picking Martha up at the hotel and coming to the church to get ready for the ReGroup. Then participating in the ReGroup. Later, some social time with those who are attending the Re-Group. Excited to meet a group of RevGals I know only on Facebook and the blog.
5. Along the random theme, what is your favorite scent, and why? Freshly brewing coffee in the morning delights me. Lately I've made a lot of homemade enchilada sauce with my homegrown tomatoes using garlic, Poblano peppers, Jalepeno and Habanero peppers, onions, cumin, etc. THAT always smells amazing. But I think my favorite scent is the smell of the air on a summer morning that is not yet too humid, the sun rising, and a gentle breeze blowing. I also happen to really love the way my husband smells, is that weird?  Puppy breath is sweet, too. 
I guess I don't have one favorite scent. 


Robin said…
What a great RevGals day you have ahead of you!
altar ego said…
What Robin said! Sounds like an enriching day ahead.
revkjarla said…
Oh my goodness, look at the tomatoes on your window! I am coming over for a sandwich. mmmm. And yes, I do remember my first FF! ;-) I am so happy thinking about RevGals being together, and you and Martha and everyone having lunch together. POST pictures!!! Love to all....
well come on over girlfriend... we've got everything here in boonieville you might need, except for the mountains. but we've got country air, a body of water, garden produce, puppy breath, good wine, and yoga on monday nights...

have a great time today!!
Mary Beth said…
Have a wonderful day and event!!
Revalli said…
Love the new look on your blog!

Hope you have had a grand day in Michigan with Rev Gal Blog Pals.

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