Friday Five: FROZEN

Deb, over at the RevGals blog offers this Friday Five meme:
1. For The First Time in Forever: Tell us about a magical first snow day – for a child, a transplanted southerner, or maybe you have a great story from the first snowfall in your area this season. 
As a child I loved to ice skate and go sledding. I lived in Salt Lake City until I was nine, there the opportunities for great sledding hills were prolific. It was thrilling to race down a hill and then exhausting to walk back up to the top only to be repeated. These hills were really mountain foothills...
When my kids were little I made sure to do the same with them. I have fond memories of ice skating and sledding with my kids, always followed by hot chocolate for them and tea for me. 
2. In Summer: Tell us what you look forward to when it’s warmer again.
I look forward to the ease of summer - shorts, t-shirts, sandals. Long walks outside. Warm temperatures. Having the house open, a nice breeze blowing in. The sounds of birds. The flowers and trees in bloom. And planting a garden. 
3. Reindeers are Better than people: We are in the business of loving people. But sometimes… Well, it’s a bit of a stretch to love. Do you have a tip, a mantra, or a perspective that helps?
Focus on one's self, and what you need to do to be less anxious while staying connected to people. Don't let the anxieties of others make you anxious. Practice ways to gain perspective - take a walk, do yoga, workout, get a massage, pray. pray. Don't react when emotions are high, wait until you have calmed down. 
4. Fixer Upper: Since we are in the season of Lent, what are you doing in the area of self-improvement?
Well this Lent seems to be all about my physical health. I'm on my second course of antibiotics for respiratory illnesses (throat, bronchial). And I'm going through tests to determine if I have gall bladder disease or if it all really is GERD...or something else. 
5. Let. It. Go. What would Elsa do? Are you de-cluttering? Moving on? Accepting a hard reality? Finding freedom?
I'm studying - as a spiritual direction intern and as a student of family systems in congregations. It's all good stuff. 
Bonus: Frozen, thawing out or thawed, share a picture from your winter this year!
Well. No recent photos of me...wish I had taken one when I was in Chicago a few weeks ago having brunch with my daughter and a friend....but we were too busy having fun!


rev h-d said…
I mean to take picture of myself, but usually wind up behind the camera! I love your description of sledding and ice skating. I actually "sledded" for the first time Wednesday morning down a little hill in our yard. Okay so it was on the plastic lid of a tote, but it's Alabama! I laughed the whole way!
Anonymous said…
Terri, I hope you feel better soon. Sounds like this winter has been a grind for the body but rich for the soul.

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