Friday Five: Taking Stock....

3dogmom over at RevGals offers this Friday Five meme:
We’re midway through summer (for us northern gals and pals), a good time to pause for a moment to take a breath before the force of autumn’s gravity takes hold too fiercely, and pulls us into its grasp of programming and schedules and commitments. This might be the last chance we have to pause and check in with our inner divine compass, the soul, and reflect on our inner life.  Here are a few questions to consider as we do so.
What is one thing bringing you joy today? The weather is glorious - sunny and warm. We are actually having a real summer this year, and for that I am grateful!
What is a disappointment you are experiencing today? I feel like just resting and playing today, but I have too much work to do. This seems to be my norm - I so want to just play but I have stuff I have to do. I will have a vacation in August, a week with just my husband as we celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary. I am very excited about that!!! Which is probably why it's so hard to work....the anticipation...
When you think about the past six months, when did your soul feel most awake? I have been doing a lot of work with Bowen Family Systems Theory and church conflict and self awareness, it's been terrific work. 
When did you experience a sorrow or regret? I wish I had been able to spend more time with family when I was in Utah in June....but I did the best I could. I did have a lot of fun with my aunt, my dad, and my son when we went to brunch on Father's Day and when she and I went to the art fair in SLC.
For what is your soul most longing? Rest. Deep rest, with some fun thrown in. No work. 
Bonus: is there a word or image that succinctly summarizes how you find your soul today? Please share it with us.

This photo was taken on July 2, by my son on our drive from Salt Lake City to Vernal, Utah. We were trying to squeeze in a little vacation time in the midst of a lot of work. That's how I feel today, like I really need a good vacation, time to really rest and renew my spirit after a year of hard work...and before the next year starts up....


altar ego said…
Praying for you, Terri, that the rest you seek is available to you soon. I'm glad you have some time set aside later to get away and celebrate your marriage. Blessings on you, and your and your husband.

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