Friday Five: Random!!

3dogmom over at the RevGals blog offers this Friday Five. I haven't played in a long while...
What is your “gotta go!” breakfast that you can grab and take with you in the morning when you’re in a rush? I don't usually grab a breakfast to go, I usually have a bowl of yogurt with a fresh banana and some granola or a bowl of steel oats for breakfast. But, if I really have to run I take a peanut butter sandwich on Ezekiel sprouted grain bread. There was a time when I drove to work and then I usually stopped off for a Starbucks latte and a scone. But that was also the season in my life when I gained 22 pounds. :-) 

When was the last time you had a fun evening out, and what did you do? I haven't been out for fun in awhile. However, on a trip to Baltimore for refugee training we spent an evening on the top floor of LIRS (Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services). It was a gorgeous night and from that floor we had a panoramic view of all of Baltimore, with an outdoor deck to enjoy the evening. I didn't know anyone there but I met some new colleagues and had a lovely night. 

Favorite poet or poem? Mary Oliver is my favorite poet and I love almost all of her poems. I also really like Billy Collins. Once I was lucky enough to go to a book signing event at a local university where I heard Billy Collins read his poems and he signed my book. Now, when I read his poems I can "hear" his voice, his cadence, his humor, in the words on the page. 

Who makes you laugh? My dogs. Crack me up. Last night we went to a shelter looking for a new dog. And one little puppy clearly chose us, it was hilarious. First we spent time with her sister, who I thought was the dog for us. She was a timid little thing, very docile, having been a stray. But she warmed up a little and we thought she was the dog for us. Then the shelter brought out her sister, who was thought to be even more docile. But this puppy came out walking and climbed right into my husbands lap and then went up to our other dog and sniffed her face and licked her. And that was that. She's now home with us. We've named her Delilah (or Lila, for short). 

Where do you like to go for some “time apart,” in the way that Jesus took time apart? I take long walks outside, but usually with my dogs. Walking is cathartic for me and prayerful. I also go to yoga, often walking to class. I am blessed to live in a town where walking most anyplace I want to go is very feasible and enjoyable. 


altar ego said…
I'm glad to hear you've found a new dog to join the family, or as you describe, Delilah found you! And what fun to have heard Billy Collins read his own work. It adds a new dimension to enjoying his poetry when you are able to hear his voice as you read.
oooh puppies! how delightful. I'm sure Lila will be incredibly blessed in her new home and you'll learn more from her than you ever thought possible.
Wendy said…
The end of your first answer made me laugh this morning.

I first learned of Mary Oliver from your blog several years ago. Thank you for that gift.
revalli said…
Love to Lila! Looking forward to pictures.
Hi Terri! Adore the header picture and join in congrats on the new family member.

I am finally back to blogging and FF and also near your area (living in St. Clair Shores near Mom and Dad H. and serving a small IC parish in Ferndale with a couple, literally, of awesome brother priests) so maybe we will meet up sometime.

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