Not the same and yet....
I have traversed familar terraine over the last week or so. I mean, places I most recently lived in for 12 years. But also Chicago and it nearby suburbs, where I lived for over 40 years. Chicago really is home for me. Even though it is no longer where I live. Enjoying a meal at La Pita, Dearborn. Enjoying a Yemeni coffee (cardamon and heavy cream in delicious coffee) The train trip from Dearborn to Chicago, on Amtrak, was uneventful. We even arrived about 15 minutes early. The Metra commuter train trip from Chicago to Evanston was also uneventful. I arrived at my hotel a little after noon and had to wait a bit for a room to be ready. The person staffing the check-in desk was new and not particularly helpful. This person was clearly following the "rules". I was told I couldn't check in until 3pm, a three hour wait. I was told I could leave my luggage and go wandering - something I was not inclinded to do, in part because I was in jeans and needed to change into shorts. ...