Monday Morning Musings
Yesterday, following the two Sunday morning services, I spent an hour and a half working in the garden. It's a community garden, an offering of the church, and I have a plot in it. So far I have planted three varieties of tomatoes, green and yellow pepper, green beans and Lima bean, oregano, sage, garlic, leeks, chives, marigolds and dahlias. Yesterday I added cucumbers and basil. Then, in August I will start broccoli and Brussels sprout seedlings for a fall garden, they will go not the garden in September for a late November harvest. In addition to tending to my plot I also help weed the entire garden, including the two empty plots. We're hoping to find two more people to take the empty plots, but if not we will plant flowers, just to keep the weeds down. It's wonderful to be outside gardening. Still, I find myself impatient. I want to rush through the weeding and get rid of them. But I work to slow down, be, mindful, attentive, and appreciate the rich soil, the worms,...