
Showing posts from May, 2011

Monday Morning Musings

Yesterday, following the two Sunday morning services, I spent an hour and a half working in the garden. It's a community garden, an offering of the church, and I have a plot in it. So far I have planted three varieties of tomatoes, green and yellow pepper, green beans and Lima bean, oregano, sage, garlic, leeks, chives, marigolds and dahlias. Yesterday I added cucumbers and basil. Then, in August I will start broccoli and Brussels sprout seedlings for a fall garden, they will go not the garden in September for a late November harvest. In addition to tending to my plot I also help weed the entire garden, including the two empty plots. We're hoping to find two more people to take the empty plots, but if not we will plant flowers, just to keep the weeds down. It's wonderful to be outside gardening. Still, I find myself impatient. I want to rush through the weeding and get rid of them. But I work to slow down, be, mindful, attentive, and appreciate the rich soil, the worms,...

The Love that Binds

A reflection on the Gospel for Easter 6A:John 14:15-21 A recent article on MSNBC Today internet news tells this story: “Michelle Feldstein was prepared to provide special accommodations for the blind horse she recently added to the flightless ducks, clawless cats and homeless llamas inhabiting her animal shelter in Montana. But nothing could prepare her for (what actually happened).... “Sissy came with five goats and five sheep – and they take care of her,” said Feldstein, the force behind Deer Haven Ranch, a private rescue facility she runs with her husband, Al, on 300 acres north of Yellowstone. The seeing-eye sheep and guard goats are never far from the white mare, and they never lead her astray. They shepherd Sissy to food and water, and angle the horse into her stall amid blowing snow or driving rains. “They round her up at feeding time and then move aside to make sure she gets to eat” Feldstein said. “They show her where the water is and stand between her and the fence ...

Friday Five: Ah-Choo! Edition

Mary Beth, our host for today's Friday Five over at RevGals, is allergic to ligustrum. She writes: Ligustrum is a type of privet hedge and it is very invasive. VERY. It's a spready green bush with leaves of various sizes and tiny white flowers of a head-piercing sweetness. So, thinking about allergies: 1. Do you experience any seasonal allergies? Are you allergic to anything else? I am allergic to mold, dust, and ragweed, although over the years my seasonal allergy to ragweed has diminished a bit. In the same general family as ragweed I am also allergic to chamomile and echinacea. I can have an occasional cup of chamomile tea, but not every night. I also have issues with vitamin C (canker sores) and all acidic fruits like pineapple, some melons, oranges, etc. I get my vitamin C from veggies, I don't even take a multiple vitamin because they all contain too much vitamin C. Oh, and walnuts also cause canker sores.... 2. What kinds of symptoms do you experience during ...

Monday Morning Musings

For the first time in a long while, we had two days of sun - Saturday and Sunday. In addition to my usual weekend work preparing for Sunday morning, my husband and I began work on our garden. The church has a community garden on the grounds and we have a plot. Saturday we weeded and tilled and added nutrients. Sunday I planted tomatoes, several varieties, green and yellow peppers, and marigolds. Today we're going to pick up cucumbers, basil, green beans and cilantro. Hopefully I'll get them in the ground before it storms today. Speaking of storms, I continue to pray for those afflicted by this wild and violent weather we are having...OMG! The rest of the week includes a lot of meetings...What about your week?

Out of Chaos

A reflection on the readings for Easter 5A: Acts 7:55-60, John 14:1-14 All week long my colleagues and I joked on Facebook about the pending “end of the world” - which since we are still here, did not happen yesterday. Apparently some mathematical configuration found in the Bible defined May 21, 2011 as the day of the rapture – the return of Christ – potentially leaving the world in upheaval and chaos as “some are taken up to God” and some are left behind. Charles Hardy, in his book, The Empty Raincoat , has some thoughts on the idea of chaos. He writes: “Management and control are breaking down everywhere. The new world order looks very likely to end in disorder. We can't make things happen the way we want them to at home, at work, or in government, certainly not in the world as a whole. There are, it is now clear, limits to management.... Scientist call this sort of time the edge of chaos, the time of turbulence and creativity out of which a new order may jell. The first ...

Friday Five: Words

Jan, over at RevGal, offers this Friday Five Meme: So my suggestion for today's Friday Five is to write about 5 words you really like. Please explain why you have chosen each word, in such ways as: It is a 1. description or attribute of yourself: a Bishop I know from another diocese, one who is about to retire, use to say that I was humble" - I was never quite sure what HE meant by that, but I like to think that I am humble. 2. activity you enjoy: knitting, walking, yoga, bike riding 3. word that is spelled or pronounced in an interesting way: do you say, "ah" or " A " - as in ah-men, or Amen? or A thing or ah thing? and why? 4. passion of yours: I like many aspects of life, but a passion? Preaching can be a passion, it certainly anchors the rhythm of my week. Daily prayer, especially meditation, is a passion, albeit a gentle one. Healthy living is probably my life-long passion - health of mind, body, and spirit. 5. word that brings you ...

Monday Morning Musings

Last night, for whatever reason, I had a tenacious headache. After taking the various pain meds, that dimmed the pain, but didn't relieve me of it, I took a hot bath and went to bed. This morning I have a "shadow" of the pain. I know that I need a massage and to get back into a yoga and exercise routine, both of which will help ease this cycle of headaches I've had. It's a challenge to organize every aspect of life, when much of my daily life involves doing new activities in a new place. It's a reminder to me that good stress is still stress. The hot bath helped relax my muscles and encourage a restful sleep. We continue to have long lingering days of rain. Relentless rain, clouds, and chilly temperatures. But worse, I know that our rain is eventually washing down river and causing greater strain on those who live in Mississippi and Louisiana. I worry about all those who have had to leave their homes so the levees can be opened. Yet another weather related t...

What's In A Name...

A reflection on the readings for Easter 4A: Acts 2:42-47, John 10:1-10 When I was a young girl my mother was fond of telling me the story of how she named me. The top five names for girls in 1957 were: Mary, Susan, Debra, Karen, and Linda. My mother wanted a different name for me, unique and unusual, at least in her mind. She had a photo of me that was printed in the Salt Lake City newspaper on my first birthday, along with all the other kids celebrating first birthday's. The photographs made her point, three of the girls were named Debra and then there was me, Terri Lynnette: Terri spelled with two “r's” and an “i.” Simple as my name is I have had to spell it for people my entire life. And, in my entire childhood the only other Terry's I knew were boys. Sometimes I wished for a typical girl's name. Now, I know other women with the name Terri, although there are a number of different spellings. My mother's given name was Joan, but in her 40's, with her chil...

Monday Morning Musings

I slept in a bit this morning, rolling out of bed at a leisurely 7:30am. After reading some email and blogs, while drinking coffee, I made breakfast for my husband and me. (Bacon, eggs scrambled with potatoes, tomatoes, onion, celery, broccoli, cumin, and avocado - and some bit-sized scones and muffins left over from the church reception yesterday). It was good. I love to eat my eggs with salsa, something I learned in the Southwest. Dan and I had a number of things to take care of: phone calls to our bank, our accountant, some bills, and so on). We made lists of things we have to buy, like garbage cans and drawer dividers for my utensils. I spent a little time organizing the home office - which is currently serving as our pet room - where we feed the dogs and cats and house the litter boxes. This room is the final area that needs work, but it is also the catch-all room so I struggle with what to do with some of the stuff. By mid-morning we were able to take our dogs for a long walk...

Sunday Prayer: Easter 3A

Gracious One be with those who need you this day Those who are suffering from the storms flooding, tornados and tsunami's or drought and wild fires for suffering in every way. Gracious One be with those who seek you this day Those who cry from depths of heart soul longing Gracious One be with those who do not know You The who are lost or, reject your love or doubt you or cannot feel your ever present spirit. Gracious One who love us as mother father sister brother friend Startle us beckon, guide push awaken us Gentle One gift us with love like a mother the one we had, the one we wish we had the one we hope to be the one we find like the women at the foot of the cross a love that never ends Gracious One reveal yourself to us be with us live in us. Amen. crossposted on RevGalBlogPals and A Place for Prayer

It's How We Respond That Matters

A reflection on the readings for Easter 3A, Luke 24:13-25 Recently I attended a worship service, as a member of the congregation, at the church where a friend of mine is the rector. When it was time for the peace my friend greeted me and my husband Dan and moved on. It was clear to me that my friend did not recognize me. Now, I wasn't surprised by this, my friend hasn't seen me in person for 13 years. We do “talk” on Facebook but otherwise we have lived in different states. Actually I have grown accustomed to people not recognizing me. If I change the way I wear my hair people won't recognize me. If I pull it back, wear down, let it go curly or blow it dry and straighten it, or change the color, or the length, some people will look right past me. So I was neither surprised nor concerned about this. Later, when the service was over we joined the group of people leaving the church, and then I had the opportunity to tell my friend who I was. Then of course, she recogniz...

Friday Five: Word Match

Songbird, over at RevGalBlogPals, offers this Friday Five: First, for each of these five words -- all of which remind me of my *most* excellent vacation -- share the first word that comes to mind when you read it. 1) Airport ugh, security measures, taking off shoes and unloading my suitcase of the "baggy" of 3 oz stuff and the computer and cell phone and jacket and.... The more I fly the more prepared and organized I am to make the unloading for security process as organized as possible - but even still I end up needing four or five bins, and I end up feeling ridiculous. Then, my most airport experience - La Guardia - had no decent coffee or place to sit in the American Terminal I was in. And because I took super shuttle to the airport I arrived three hours early.... (The United terminal I was in last year is a little better). 2) Baseball Wondering if there will be a Detroit Tigers - Chicago Cubs World Series...LOL (hey, it could happen).... 3) Art Grateful tha...

Monday Morning Musings on Tuesday Night

...or, what it means to return to work and not (yet) have Monday as a day off. My first two days have been good. I've met a few people and am learning a lot from the parish administrator (she's a big help!). This morning I presided at the weekday Eucharist which was also the monthly healing service. I really enjoyed it. My office is mostly unpacked and I'm in the process of hanging artwork and diploma's and ordination certificates. I still need to find some new office furniture, but I'm well on my way to locating what I like. The rest of the week will include a couple of meetings with parishioners and choir, and then of course writing a sermon. That's my week, what about yours?

Sunday Prayer: Easter 2A

God of all new things, God of Spring, and fragrant flowers, and unexpected snow. God of hope and new life, Bless us, we pray, this day. Creator God from whom all life springs forth We give You thanks Come, one and all, Celebrate and rejoice! Celebrate and rejoice - The old has passed away Everything has become new! God of all things passing away, God of old and yesterday, the One who is with us in our despair and fear. God who sighs and weeps, with us, God who wipes away our tears. Loving God, we offer up these prayers of concern this day - for those struggling to rebuild lives from natural disasters, especially those recovering from the recent tornado's - and for those recovering from human disasters from failed economies - also for those struggling with illness and, from_______________ . Hear us when we pray. Incline your ear to our words, silent shouting cries, mournful whispers stunned wordless. Be gentle with our suffering with our ...